Author: mrabd423
Here is how you can create a stored procedure in mysql. It’s very simple and easy to create. In the below syntax we have used IF statements as well as …
For git merge you always have to checkout to the branch in which merge changes needs to appear. For example ABC branch needs to be merged into master then you …
mkdir folder1\folder2\folder3.
Many developers have faced the issue that routes doesn’t work when they go live. Here is the solution which we need to do search for <Directory /var/www/> and change AllowOverride …
In order to use GMB api. you have to request google to enable it by filling up a google form to them. Currently they only allow on one console project. …
Step 1 First we need to generate SSH key. It will create both private & public key you can run the command below from any directory ssh-keygen Step 2 When …
Add files to VCS and then Commit git add . Above command will add all files into vcs. git commit -m writecommitmessage Revert all uncommitted changes Below command will only …
Compress an Entire Directory or a Single File Use the following command to compress an entire directory or a single file on Linux. It’ll also compress every other directory inside …
preg_replace('/*/','', $string);